Indicates to BargeEx that the specified document has been successfully persisted or processed and that subsequent calls to the GetNextDocument method should return the next available document.

Namespace:  BargeEx
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public StandardReturnCode AcknowledgeDocument(
	IXPathNavigable documentToAcknowledge
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function AcknowledgeDocument ( _
	documentToAcknowledge As IXPathNavigable _
) As StandardReturnCode
Visual C++
StandardReturnCode AcknowledgeDocument(
	IXPathNavigable^ documentToAcknowledge


Type: System.Xml.XPath..::.IXPathNavigable
The document being acknowledged (i.e. the XmlDocument returned by the GetNextDocument method). This object must implement the IXPathNavigable interface. In the Microsoft .NET Framework, this can be either an XmlNode (typically an XmlDocument), or an XPathDocument containing the document to be acknowledged.

Return Value

A StandardReturnCode value that indicates whether or not the document was successfully acknowledged.


This method invokes the AcknowledgeDocument method available from the BargeEx web service. A value of Success indicates the document was successfully acknowledged. Any other value indicates a failure.

This method must be called following a call to GetNextDocument. If it is not, GetNextDocument will return the same document every time it is called.


System..::.ArgumentNullException The value of the documentToAcknowledge parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

See Also