Sends the specified document to BargeEx.

Namespace:  BargeEx
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public SendDocumentReturnCode SendDocument(
	IDocument document,
	ref string errorDetails
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function SendDocument ( _
	document As IDocument, _
	ByRef errorDetails As String _
) As SendDocumentReturnCode
Visual C++
SendDocumentReturnCode SendDocument(
	IDocument^ document, 
	String^% errorDetails


Type: BargeEx..::.IDocument
The document to send to BargeEx.
Type: System..::.String %
Output - If this method returns any value other than Success, this parameter may contain additional details about the failure. This is used primarily for indicating why a document failed schema validation.

Return Value

A SendDocumentReturnCode value that indicates whether or not the document was successfully sent to BargeEx.


This method invokes the SendDocument method available from the BargeEx web service. A value of Success indicates the document was successfully sent. Any other value indicates a failure.

If the IDocument.Header.SenderTradingPartnerNumber property is not set, it will be set to BargeExService.TradingPartnerNumber before the document is sent to BargeEx.


The following example creates an instance of the BargeExService class, initializes it, and calls the SendDocument method, passing an IDocument object.
CopyVisual Basic
' Create BargeExService instance
Dim BargeExService As New BargeEx.BargeExService( _
   "", _
   "12345678", _
   "UserName", _

' Send document result
Dim SendDocumentResult As BargeEx.SendDocumentReturnCode

' Create a new BargeEx Document
Dim BargeStatusDocument As New BargeEx.BargeStatus

' Error details varaible
Dim ErrorDetails As String = String.Empty

' Set the Document Properties
With BargeStatusDocument
' ...
End With

' Send the BargeStatusDocument Document
SendDocumentResult = BargeExService.SendDocument(BargeStatusDocument, ErrorDetails)
// BargeExService object
BargeEx.BargeExService BargeExService = new BargeEx.BargeExService(

// Send document result
BargeEx.SendDocumentReturnCode SendDocumentResult;

// Create a new BargeEx Document
BargeEx.BargeStatus BargeStatusDocument = new BargeEx.BargeStatus();

// Error details varaible
string ErrorDetails = string.Empty;

// Set the Document Properties
// ...
// Send the BargeStatusDocument Document

SendDocumentResult = BargeExService.SendDocument(BargeStatusDocument, ref ErrorDetails);


System..::.ArgumentNullException The value of the document parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

See Also