Represents a barge.

Namespace:  BargeEx
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public class Barge : CommonBargeDetails
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class Barge _
	Inherits CommonBargeDetails
Visual C++
public ref class Barge : public CommonBargeDetails


This class represents a barge.


The following example creates an instance of the BargeEx Barge class and sets properties that are applicable to a barge item in the BargeServiceOrder.SpecificBarges collection property.
CopyVisual Basic
' Create a new BargeEx Barge object
Dim Barge As New BargeEx.Barge()

' Update the SpecificBarge's properties
With Barge

    .Name = "CSG123"

    ' Set Size properties
    .Length = 195
    .Width = 35
    .HullDepth = 14

    ' Set Maintenance Note and Code
    .MaintenanceNote = "Leaking in port stern."
    .MaintenanceCodes = BargeEx.CicaBargeMaintenanceCodes.Leaking

    ' Set Current Line Boat
    .CurrentLineBoatName = "Jimmy Joe"

    ' Set Current Location
    .CurrentLocationName = "Fleet 123"

    ' Set Current Waterway
    .CurrentWaterwayDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00")
    .CurrentWaterwayName = "Ohio River"
    .CurrentWaterwayMile = 123
    .CurrentWaterwayDirection = BargeEx.CicaWaterwayDirection.Upstream

    ' Set Tow Destination Location
    .TowDestinationLocationName = "Eastern Landing"

    ' Set Consign Location
    .ConsignLocationName = "Sam's Coal Dock"

    ' Set the common barge properties
    .HullType = BargeEx.CicaBargeHullType.Box
    .SizeCategory = BargeEx.CicaBargeSizeCategory.Jumbo
    .BargeType = BargeEx.CicaBargeType.Deck
    .CoverType = BargeEx.CicaBargeCoverType.FiberLift
    .LoadStatus = BargeEx.CicaBargeCurrentLoadStatus.Loaded
    .CoverConfiguration = BargeEx.CicaBargeCoverConfiguration.Spread
    .CurrentCommodityName = "Coal"
    .Draft = 13

End With ' Barge
// Create a new BargeEx Barge object
BargeEx.Barge Barge = new BargeEx.Barge();

// Update the SpecificBarge's properties
Barge.Name = "CSG123";

// Set Size properties
Barge.Length = 195;
Barge.Width = 35;
Barge.HullDepth = 14;

// Set Maintenance Note and Code
Barge.MaintenanceNote = "Leaking in port stern.";
Barge.MaintenanceCodes = BargeEx.CicaBargeMaintenanceCodes.Leaking;

// Set Current Line Boat
Barge.CurrentLineBoatName = "Jimmy Joe";

// Set Current Location
Barge.CurrentLocationName = "Fleet 123";

// Set Current Waterway
Barge.CurrentWaterwayDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00");
Barge.CurrentWaterwayName = "Ohio River";
Barge.CurrentWaterwayMile = 123;
Barge.CurrentWaterwayDirection = BargeEx.CicaWaterwayDirection.Upstream;

// Set Tow Destination Location
Barge.TowDestinationLocationName = "Eastern Landing";

// Set Consign Location
Barge.ConsignLocationName = "Sam's Coal Dock";

// Set the common barge properties
Barge.HullType = BargeEx.CicaBargeHullType.Box;
Barge.SizeCategory = BargeEx.CicaBargeSizeCategory.Jumbo;
Barge.BargeType = BargeEx.CicaBargeType.Deck;
Barge.CoverType = BargeEx.CicaBargeCoverType.FiberLift;
Barge.LoadStatus = BargeEx.CicaBargeCurrentLoadStatus.Loaded;
Barge.CoverConfiguration = BargeEx.CicaBargeCoverConfiguration.Spread;
Barge.CurrentCommodityName = "Coal";
Barge.Draft = 13;

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also