Represents the CICA document called Boat Status Document.

Namespace:  BargeEx
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public class BoatStatus : UpdatableBargeExDocumentBase
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class BoatStatus _
	Inherits UpdatableBargeExDocumentBase
Visual C++
public ref class BoatStatus : public UpdatableBargeExDocumentBase


The Boat Status document provides a means for a marine trading partner to transmit the status of a boat to another marine trading partner. Status types include the boat's position and notification of an assist event.

Each Boat Status document has a status type, indicated by the EventStatusType property, and some properties of the BoatStatus class are only applicable to certain boat status types. The following chart indicates which of these properties are applicable for the different CicaBoatEventStatusType values:

Status Type
Properties Assist Position


The following example creates an instance of the BargeEx BoatStatus class and sets its common properties.
CopyVisual Basic
' Create a new BargeEx BoatStatus object
Dim BoatStatus As New BargeEx.BoatStatus()

' Update the BoatStatus properties before
' returning the object to the user
With BoatStatus

    ' Update the DocumentHeader property
    .Header.SenderTradingPartnerNumber = "12345678"
    .Header.ReceiverTradingPartnerNumber = "87654321"
    .Header.InstanceIdentifier = "ABC123"
    .Header.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00")

    ' Set the ApplicationHeader properties
    .CreateDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00")
    .TransactionIdentifier = "ABC123"
    .PurposeCode = BargeEx.CicaTransactionPurposeCode.NewTransaction
    .Note = "BargeStatus test note."
    .ResponsibleLocationName = "Fleeter ABC"

    ' Set the document's Event Information section
    .BoatName = "Jerry B."

    ' Set the EventStatusType to Assisted
    .EventStatusType = BargeEx.CicaBoatEventStatusType.Assist

    ' Set the start and end date times
    .StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00")
    .EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00")

    ' Set Locaiton properties
    .LocationName = "Coal Dock #1"

    ' Set Waterway properties
    .WaterwayName = "Ohio River"
    .WaterwayMile = 123

    ' Set LineBoat properties
    .AssistedBoatName = "Billy G."

    ' For the available EstimatedCost properties
    With .EstimatedCost
     ' Set the rate type to FixedRate
    .RateType = BargeEx.CicaRateType.FixedRate

    ' Set the rate information properties
    .FixedRateAmount = 200

    ' Add incidentals
    .Incidentals.Add(New BargeEx.Incidental(BargeEx.CicaIncidentalCode.Fuel, 100, 2))
    .Incidentals.Add(New BargeEx.Incidental(BargeEx.CicaIncidentalCode.HighWater, 50))

    End With ' .EstimatedCost

End With ' BoatStatus
// Create a new BargeEx BoatStatus object
BargeEx.BoatStatus BoatStatus = new BargeEx.BoatStatus();

// Update the BoatStatus properties before
// returning the object to the user

// Update the DocumentHeader property
BoatStatus.Header.SenderTradingPartnerNumber = "12345678";
BoatStatus.Header.ReceiverTradingPartnerNumber = "87654321";
BoatStatus.Header.InstanceIdentifier = "ABC123";
BoatStatus.Header.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00");

// Set the ApplicationHeader properties
BoatStatus.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00");
BoatStatus.TransactionIdentifier = "ABC123";
BoatStatus.PurposeCode = BargeEx.CicaTransactionPurposeCode.NewTransaction;
BoatStatus.Note = "BargeStatus test note.";
BoatStatus.ResponsibleLocationName = "Fleeter ABC";

// Set the document's Event Information section
BoatStatus.BoatName = "Jerry B.";

// Set the EventStatusType to Assisted
BoatStatus.EventStatusType = BargeEx.CicaBoatEventStatusType.Assist;

// Set the start and end date times
BoatStatus.StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00");
BoatStatus.EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00");

// Set Locaiton properties
BoatStatus.LocationName = "Coal Dock #1";

// Set Waterway properties
BoatStatus.WaterwayName = "Ohio River";
BoatStatus.WaterwayMile = 123;

// Set LineBoat properties
BoatStatus.AssistedBoatName = "Billy G.";

// For the available EstimatedCost properties

// Set the rate type to FixedRate
BoatStatus.EstimatedCost.RateType = BargeEx.CicaRateType.FixedRate;

// Set the rate information properties
BoatStatus.EstimatedCost.FixedRateAmount = 200;

// Add incidentals
   new BargeEx.Incidental(BargeEx.CicaIncidentalCode.Fuel, 100, 2));
   new BargeEx.Incidental(BargeEx.CicaIncidentalCode.HighWater, 50));

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also