Provides details about a syntax error.

Namespace:  BargeEx
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public class DocumentError : SerializableBase
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class DocumentError _
	Inherits SerializableBase
Visual C++
public ref class DocumentError : public SerializableBase


This class provides details about a syntax error in a CICA document. This class is the BargeEx API representation of the ASC X12 CICA Block called Acknowledgment Error Block_1 (B53_1).


The following example creates an instance of the DocumentError class and sets its common properties.
CopyVisual Basic
' Create a DocumentError object
Dim DocumentError As New BargeEx.DocumentError()

' Set the DocumentError properties
With DocumentError

    ' Set ErrorCod and Description
    .ErrorCode = BargeEx.CicaDocumentErrorCode.Validation
    .ErrorDescription = "CSG123 is an invalid barbe."

    ' Set additional description properties
    .XPath = "/BargeStatus/Detail/Equipment/Barge/Name"

End With ' DocumentError
// Create a DocumentError object
BargeEx.DocumentError DocumentError = new BargeEx.DocumentError();

// Set the DocumentError properties
// Set ErrorCod and Description
DocumentError.ErrorCode = BargeEx.CicaDocumentErrorCode.Validation;
DocumentError.ErrorDescription = "CSG123 is an invalid barbe.";

// Set additional description properties
DocumentError.XPath = "/BargeStatus/Equipment/Barge/Name";

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also